Recent publication in J. Mater. Chem. C
A new publication has just appeared in the December 2017 issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Lead-free multifunctional and multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films are fabricated for the first time at a temperature as low as 300 ºC directly on flexible polyimide substrates by our own proprietary solution-based Seeded Photosensitive Precursor Method. This results from our collaboration with Prof. Vilarinho’s group at the University of Aveiro (Portugal).
Direct fabrication of BiFeO3 thin films on polyimide substrates for flexible electronics
Tomczyk, M; Bretos, I; Jiménez, R; Mahajan, A; Venkata-Ramana, E; Calzada, ML; Vilarinho PM
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5, 12529 (2017) doi: 10.1039/C7TC04571A