Our latest results on the application of Spark Plasma Sintering to the ceramic processing of multiferroic YMnO3‐BiFeO3 phases, in collaboration with Dr. Deluca’s group at…
Members of our group participate at the XIV Reunión Nacional de Electrocerámica, held in Castellón (26-28 June 2019), contributing to several oral presentations: O-01….
The XVI conference of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS 2019) will take place from 16th to 20th of June 2019 in Torino (Italy). Dr Miguel…
Recent results of our collaboration with researchers of São Paulo University (Brazil) and the Ceramics and Glass Institute (CSIC-Spain) on magnetoelectric ceramic multilayer composites can…
Dr. Harvey Amorín, a member of our group, will deliver a keynote talk at the V Congreso Hispano-Luso de Cerámica y Vidrio, which will take…