A Sustainable Self-Induced Solution Seeding Approach for Multipurpose BiFeO3 Active Layers in Flexible Electronic Devices O. Barrios, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, P. Tartaj, M.L. Calzada,…
In the last number of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society you will find our recent work on the stabilization of Cr-modified BiFeO3 to…
Photoferroelectric Thin Films for Flexible Systems by a Three-in-One Solution-Based Approach I. Bretos, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, R. Sirera, M.L. Calzada Advanced Functional Materials (2020)…
You can read our latest contribution in the book of the Metal Oxides Series of Elsevier: The future of semiconductor oxides in next-generation solar cells,…