Work with us! JAE Intro 2019 call
Apply for a CSIC scholarship for training (CSIC programme JAE-Intro) and work with us.
A call is open for applications of 250 grants for sudents with a high level of academic performance wishing to start doing research. Grants will have a duration of 5 consecutive months, starting on 1st September 2019 or 1st October 2019. Graduate students in their final year are preferred.
If you like to work with us we have two projects available in our group ( MATERIA area):
CODE Supervisor Project Title
JAEINT19_EX_0562 BRETOS ULLIVARRI, IÑIGO Nuevos materiales y procesos para la próxima generación de dispositivos electrónicos flexibles
JAEINT19_EX_1037 RICOTE SANTAMARIA, JESUS Microscopía de fuerzas atómicas aplicada a materiales nanoestructurados ferroeléctricos
You can read all the information and apply for one of these grants at
CSIC programme JAE-Intro from 9th April to 7th May 2019.