In magnetoelectric ceramic composites we can use as piezomagnetic component cobalt ferrites. In this paper that appears in the issue 7 of volume 125 of…

In the special issue on Advances of Multiferroics of the Journal Materials you will find our latest results on the promising Y1−xBix Mn1−xFexO3 solid solution….

In volume 783 of Journal of Alloys and Compounds you will find the latest results of a collaboration work with researchers from several European and…

Recent results of our collaboration with researchers of São Paulo University (Brazil) and the Ceramics and Glass Institute (CSIC-Spain) on magnetoelectric ceramic multilayer composites can…

The Polar/Antipolar Phase Boundary of BiMnO3-BiFeO3-PbTiO3: Interplay among Crystal Structure, Point Defects, Multiferroism C.M. Fernández-Posada, A. Castro, J-M. Kiat, F. Porcher, O. Peña, R. Jiménez,…