EOSMAD is present at E-MRS spring meeting 2018
The E-MRS meeting will take place next week (18-22 June) at the Convention Centre of Strasbourg (France). Prof. M. Lourdes Calzada is one of the organizers of symposium P (Solution processing and properties of functional oxide thin films and nanostructures)
-Dr. Iñigo Bretos participates with an oral contribution in symposium T (Engineering of functional materials with chemical coating methods) He will deliver his talk on Tuesday 19th June at 10:15:
Direct growth of functional thin films on plastic by UV-assisted chemical solution deposition
Iñigo Bretos, Ricardo Jiménez, Jesús Ricote, M. Lourdes Calzada
-Several works from our group are presented at the following Poster Sessions:
Tuesday 19th June (17:15)
Poster session 1: Synthesis, energy, sensing, lighting
P.PI.21: Low-temperature crystallization of solution-derived metal oxide thin films assisted by photochemical processes
Iñigo Bretos, Ricardo Jiménez, Jesús Ricote, M. Lourdes Calzada
Thursday 21st June (16:30)
Poster session 2: Ferroelectrics, multiferroics, piezoelectrics, magnetism, catalysis
P.PII.4: Solution processing and properties of photoferroic BiFe1-xCrxO3 thin films
S. Ramos-Inza, R. Sirera*, I. Bretos, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, R. Jiménez-Rioboó, M.L. Calzada
P.PII.23: Effect of seed layers of inorganic nanosheets on the crystallization of solution derived PbZrxTi1-xO3 ferroelectric thin films
I. Bretos, J. Ricote, R. Jiménez, M.L. Calzada, K.J.H. van den Nieuwenhuijzen, J.E. ten Elshof