Oral Presentation at E-MRS 2016 spring meeting
Prof. Lourdes Calzada will present our recent work on the stabilization of the beta phase of Bi2O3 at the 2016 spring meeting of the E-MRS
This oral presentation is included in the program of symposium AA: “Solution processing and properties of functional oxide thin films and nanostructures II”
May 5. 11:15
“Room temperature photochemical stabilization of catalyst thin films of the metastable beta-Bi2O3 phase”
Pérez-Mezcua, I. Bretos, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, R.J. Jiménez-Rioboó, C. Gonçalves da Silva, D. Chateigner, L. Fuentes, R. Sirera, M.L. Calzada