From 14th to 19th of July 2019 the Joint Conference F2Cπ2 will take place in Lausanne (Switzerland). It is a major event comprising: IEEE International…

Members of our group participate at the XIV Reunión Nacional de Electrocerámica, held in Castellón (26-28 June 2019), contributing to several oral presentations: O-01….

The XVI conference of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS 2019) will take place from 16th to 20th of June 2019 in Torino (Italy). Dr Miguel…

In magnetoelectric ceramic composites we can use as piezomagnetic component cobalt ferrites. In this paper that appears in the issue 7 of volume 125 of…

In volume 783 of Journal of Alloys and Compounds you will find the latest results of a collaboration work with researchers from several European and…