Latest results on multiferroic Aurivillius compounds

Latest results on multiferroic Aurivillius compounds

We have just published our latest results on multiferroic Aurivillius ceramics in Dalton Transactions. Following our previous work, where we demonstrated a novel approach for introducing magnetic species in the pseudoperovskite layer of Aurivilius compounds (Bi4Ti2−xMnxNb0.5Fe0.5O12) without increasing the number of oxygen octahedra, we report now a new series of layered oxides containing increasing levels of Fe3+ and Mn4+. We argue that it is too small for its introduction into the cristal structure, with tailored magnetic interactions until the appearance of ferromagnetic ordering.

Multiferroic Aurivillius Bi4Ti2-xMnxFe0.5Nb0.5Ob12 (n=3) compounds with tailored magnetic interactions
M. Alguero, J. Sanz-Mateo, R. Pérez del Real, J. Ricote, C. Fernández-Posada, A. Castro
Dalton Transactions 50, 17062-17074 (2021)