This is the latest result of our current collaboration with the Departamento de Física of Universidade Federal de São Carlos in Brazil, on the development…

A new article has just been published in the April 2018 issue of Journal of the European Ceramic Society reporting results of our collaboration with…

A recent work published in Journal of Applied Physics, reporting results of our collaboration with Tyndall National Institute, has been chosen as Editor’s pick: Exploring…

Last 13th December 2017 Washington Santa Rosa defended successfully his doctoral thesis at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Brazil), entitled: “Obtenção e aprimoramento das…

Multilayer ceramic magnetoelectric composites with tailored interfaces for enhanced response Amorín, H; Ricote, J; San-Felipe, I; Salazar, N; del Campo, R; Romaguera-Barcelay,Y; Pérez de la…