Members of our group have collaborated in a recent paper on multiferroic BiFeO3-based films, published in a recent issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry C:…

We have just published in Journal of the American Ceramic Society a new paper on the effects of the grain size reduction on the relaxor…

From 14th to 19th of July 2019 the Joint Conference F2Cπ2 will take place in Lausanne (Switzerland). It is a major event comprising: IEEE International…

Members of our group participate at the XIV Reunión Nacional de Electrocerámica, held in Castellón (26-28 June 2019), contributing to several oral presentations: O-01….

The E-MRS meeting will take place next week (18-22 June) at the Convention Centre of Strasbourg (France). Prof. M. Lourdes Calzada is one of the…