- 2D nanosheets
- analytics
- antimony
- article
- biological materials
- coating
- coatings
- diamond
- doping
- FeSbO4
- gallium
- heating
- ion implantation
- ion irradiation
- iron
- irradiation
- Isothermal closed space vapor deposition
- Keggin
- laser
- laser irradiation
- molybdenum
- Molybdenum diselenide
- nanocharacterization
- order-disorder
- oxide
- phase transition
- polyoxometalate
- presentation
- Raman spectroscopy
- SbVO4
- semiconductor
- short range order
- silicon
- thin film
- transparent conductive oxide (TCO)
- Ultrashort laser structuring
- vanadium
- vanadium oxide
- VO2
- WTe2
- zinc oxide
- ZnO
Archivo de la etiqueta: art
Chemical analysis of pigments in Velazquez paintings
La revista Vibrational Spectroscopy acaba de publicar un trabajo nuestro realizado en colaboración con los investigadores Carolina Gutiérrez y Aurelio Climent, de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), y Carmen Garrido, del Museo del Prado. En este trabajo hemos estudiado la composición química y la estructura cristalina de pigmentos en las pinturas de Diego Velazquez procedentes de distintos periodos en la vida del artista. Mediante microespectroscopía Raman hemos encontrado una paleta reducida de pigmentos que no cambió de forma significativa a lo largo de la vida del artista. P. C. Gutiérrez, F. Agulló-Rueda, A. Climent-Font, and C. Garrido, «Identification of pigments in Diego Velázquez paintings by Raman microscopy,» Vibrat. Spec. 69, 13–20 (2013)The journal Vibrational Spectroscopy has published a work of us in collaboration with researchers Carolina Gutiérrez and Aurelio Climent, from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), and Carmen Garrido, from the Prado Museum. In this work we have studied the chemical composition and the crystal structure of pigments in Diego Velazquez paintings from different periods in the artist life. Using Raman microspectroscopy we have found that the number of pigments was very limited and did not change significantly during the artist lifetime. P. C. Gutiérrez, F. Agulló-Rueda, A. Climent-Font, and C. Garrido, «Identification of pigments in Diego Velázquez paintings by Raman microscopy,» Vibrat. Spec. 69, 13–20 (2013) Sigue leyendo
Publicado en art, microscopy, Publications, Raman spectroscopy
Etiquetado analytics, art, painting, Raman spectroscopy
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