Archivo de la etiqueta: article

New publication: Iodine substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and activation of derived ceramics for range verification in proton therapy

Osteosarcoma is a radioresistant cancer and proton therapy a promising radiation alternative to treat cancer with the advantage of high dose concentration in the tumor area. In this work, we propose the use of iodine substituted hydroxyapatite nanomaterials (IHAP) to … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en microscopy, nanocharacterization, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Publications, Raman spectroscopy | Etiquetado , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en New publication: Iodine substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and activation of derived ceramics for range verification in proton therapy

Spatially resolved MoOx phases by laser localized oxidation of MoO2

MoO2 thin films were subjected to a laser localized oxidation process that allowed to obtain different well defined MoOx phases. In particular, spatially resolved MoO2, α-MoO3, β-MoO3, amorphous a-MoO3, and Mo4O11 regions were obtained as a function of the laser … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en laser irradiation, microscopy, nanocharacterization, Raman spectroscopy, semiconductor, Sin categoría, transition metal oxides | Etiquetado , , , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Spatially resolved MoOx phases by laser localized oxidation of MoO2

Growth of out-of-plane standing MoTe2(1−x)Se2x/MoSe2 composite flake films by sol-gel nucleation of MoOy and isothermal closed space telluro-selenization

A. Fernández García, V. Torres-Costa, O. de Melo, F. Agulló-Rueda, G. R. Castro and M. Manso Silvan, “Growth of out-of-plane standing MoTe2(1−x)Se2x/MoSe2 composite flake films by sol-gel nucleation of MoOy and isothermal closed space telluro-selenization,” Appl. Surf. Sci. 546, 149076 … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en nanocharacterization, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Publications, Raman spectroscopy, semiconductor | Etiquetado , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Growth of out-of-plane standing MoTe2(1−x)Se2x/MoSe2 composite flake films by sol-gel nucleation of MoOy and isothermal closed space telluro-selenization

Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation

P. Pellacani, V. Torres-Costa, F. Agulló-Rueda, R. Vanna, C. Morasso, M. Manso Silván, “Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation,” Colloids Surf. B 174, 174–180 (2019)

Publicado en laser irradiation, microscopy, nanocharacterization, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Publications, Raman spectroscopy, silicon | Etiquetado , , , , , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation

Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation

P. Pellacani, V. Torres-Costa, F. Agulló-Rueda, R. Vanna, C. Morasso, M. Manso Silván, “Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation,” Colloids Surf., B, accepted (2018). The present work reports the processing of … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en microscopy, nanocharacterization, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Publications, Raman spectroscopy, silicon | Etiquetado , , , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Laser writing of nanostructured silicon arrays for the SERS detection of biomolecules with inhibited oxidation

Lattice damage in 9-MeV-carbon irradiated diamond and its recovery after annealing

F. Agulló-Rueda, N. Gordillo, M. D. Ynsa, A. Maira, J. Cañas, and M. A. Ramos, “Lattice damage in 9-MeV-carbon irradiated diamond and its recovery after annealing,” Carbon , accepted (2017). We have studied the radiation damage in diamond as a … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en diamond, ion irradiation, microscopy, nanocharacterization, photoluminescence, Publications, Raman spectroscopy | Etiquetado , , , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Lattice damage in 9-MeV-carbon irradiated diamond and its recovery after annealing

Characterization of the interface between highly conductive Ga:ZnO films and the silicon substrate

Work in collaboration with the Nanotech Unit, Department of Applied Physics I, University of Malaga, Spain. M. Gabás, E. Ochoa-Martínez, E. Navarrete-Astorga, A. R. Landa-Cánovas, P. Herrero, F. Agulló-Rueda, S. Palanco, J. J. Martínez-Serrano, and J. R. Ramos-Barrado, “Characterization of … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en HRTEM, microscopy, nanocharacterization, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Publications, transparent conductive oxides, zinc oxide | Etiquetado , , , , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Characterization of the interface between highly conductive Ga:ZnO films and the silicon substrate

Micro-Raman spectroscopy of near-surface damage in diamond irradiated with 9-MeV boron ions

F. Agulló-Rueda, M. D. Ynsa, N. Gordillo, A. Maira, D. Moreno-Cerrada, and M. A. Ramos, “Micro-Raman spectroscopy of near-surface damage in diamond irradiated with 9-MeV boron ions,” Diamond Relat. Mater. 72, 94–98 (2017) We have studied the near-surface damage in … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en diamond, ion irradiation, microscopy, nanocharacterization, photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy | Etiquetado , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Micro-Raman spectroscopy of near-surface damage in diamond irradiated with 9-MeV boron ions

Study of the formation mechanism of hierarchical silicon structures produced by sequential ion beam irradiation and anodic etching

In a collaboration with the Autonomous University of Madrid (Department of Applied Physics and the Center for Micro Analysis of Materials) and the Institut für Solarenergieforschung Hameln (ISFH) of Germany we have studied the formation of micropatterns combining nanostructured (porous) … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en HRTEM, ion irradiation, microscopy, nanocharacterization, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Raman spectroscopy, silicon | Etiquetado , , , , , , | Comentarios desactivados en Study of the formation mechanism of hierarchical silicon structures produced by sequential ion beam irradiation and anodic etching

Direct laser writing of nanorough cell microbarriers

In collaboration with the Advanced Photonic and Biofunctional Materials group the Autonomous University of Madrid, lead by Dr. Miguel Manso, we have studied by Raman microspectroscopy laser written silicon-based structures for biological cell microbarriers. Y. Xiang, R. Martínez Martínez, V. … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en microscopy, nanocharacterization, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Publications, Raman spectroscopy, silicon | Etiquetado , , , , , | Deja un comentario